Monday, June 17, 2013

Bright lights .. BIG city!!!



So 2 weeks ago I FINALLYYYYYYYYY got to go to New York city!!  WOW, that place is a trip, it really is like going to a different planet.  There is just SO much going on everywhere you look.  Totally sensory overload for sure!!

There are weird people are far as the eye can see and it was AWESOME lol  The first time we got on the subway, some dude got on and just started licking the windows, if it wasn't so packed, I totally would have got a pic of it and mannnnnnnnnn subway cars are NASTY lol   Hand sanitizer has never come in SOOOO handy!!

It is hard to describe New York cause there is just so much going on you can't sum it up! We ended up missing the express bus to get there from where we were staying so it took about and hour and a half to get there which drove me INSANE (patience is not my virtue), we had to drive through Harlem, good god that was scary - not for why you would think ... ok maybe a little LOL but the bus driver was insane, almost clipping people crossing the road, avoiding hitting other cars and he seriously came very, very close to clipping a couple of people on bicycles!  I couldn't wait to get off that damn bus and feel the street beneath my feet once again hahahaha

We finally got off the damn bus and walked about 10 metres and what do we see ... 

So of course we totally had to go in and start our tour of NY with dessert!!!  I ended up getting a small chocolate cannoli and hubby of course got a mini cheesecake!


We pretty much spent the rest of the afternoon/night just wandering around looking at stuff, checking out Macy's, Toys r Us store, Disney store and HAD to go to the M&M store!

Times square was just great, so bright, so busy and totally packed with people, I could have spent ages there with a Starbucks just watching people!

We also got some kickass spray paint art from this dude!  He rocks!

 Now that we know NYC is only 4 hours away, I hope we can go back again & again & again, that place is a BLAST!!!

Drove halfway across the USA .... FOUR TIMES!!!

Been busy, busy, busy since I was last on here.  As the title says "Drove halfway across the USA .... FOUR TIMES". 

The inlaws live in Oklahoma and seeing as we are now in Pennsylvania, it is impossible for Kaleb to see his Nanny and Papa like he used to be able to.  We finally managed to arrange for them to spend some time with them and Kaleb was excited beyond belief, he started counting down at "30 days to go" LOL

We set off over a week and a half ago to Missouri, which was the meeting point to drop Kaleb off with Papa.

Kaleb was great on the drive, his had his table to entertain him, music, some toys and his colouring books & crayons.  Only thing that stopped us from getting there faster were the constant pee breaks LOL.  After 2 days we finally made it there, went to hubbys bosses house for lunch, let his lil boy and K play for a few hours.  Papa met us there too and then it was time for them to leave back to Oklahoma.

K said his goodbyes to daddy, daddys boss, wife and kids & then it was my turn for goodbyes, didn't go the way I had planned.  I put him in the carseat in papas truck and when I went to get cuddles and a kiss, Kaleb looked at me, begrudgingly gave me a kiss and said "Go home mum, just go home" - lol the little bugger!!!  It upset me but I didn't let him see it.  Papa and K drove off, we said goodbye to hubbys boss, wife & kids and then we were on the road.

My weather app on my phone is also set to notify me about Oklahoma weather and it went off .... that is when the worry started!!!

Storms were popping up all round the OKC metro and quickly turning into bad tornadoes heading FOR the metro.

I was texting, voxering & calling people, the whole time I was going in and out of shitty reception.  A tornado hit very close to where we were living, did some damage to family and friends places in Yukon, nothing massive but still too close for everyones comfort.

Papa ended up driving through and not stopping just to get back to Oklahoma and make sure that everyone was ok.

We finally got back to PA and then about 1-2 days later we headed off to NY - that is another post all together!

We ended up having to cut our NY trip short as one of papas dogs Eddie was very sick and had to be put down & kaleb was very attached to him, so we ended up going back to Missouri to meet with papa and pick up K so that K wasn't there for the fallout when it happened.  It would have been nice to have a little more time to ourselves but hopefully we have other chances before the end of summer!!