Wednesday, May 22, 2013

8 days to go ...

As the title says, there are 8 days to go till we drive halfway across the country again, this time our destination is Missouri - where we will be meeting the in laws who are driving from Oklahoma and we will be handing over Mr Squeaks and be off on an adventure of our own, while he gets to see all of his cousins and have adventures in Oklahoma - hopefully none of the tornado type!!!


Now don't get me wrong, we will miss him dearly but it will be nice to finally have a break as we have probably been away from him maybe a handful of nights.  Hubby travels a lot for work so he is away from him usually at a week at a time but I am there .... all .... the .... hair pulling out frustration ... time.

It will be so nice to be able to relax, get up when we want, have a few more than 2 beers if we want (we barely drink when kaleb is at home), stay up till we want knowing that if we did stay up late before we would be paying for it in the morning when Kaleb comes in to jump on the bed or just stand there right next to your face, eye to eye in that creepy way kids do just waiting for you to open your eyes lol Oh and I won't miss the whole finger up the nose trick he does to make you fly up out of bed!!!!!

The one that loves to make me tear my hair out!

I had planned on visiting the Waverly Hills Sanatorium - the place that has the "death tunnel" and housed all the tuberculosis patients but it is looking like all the night tours are booked through till July .... to say I am pissed about this is an understatement but oh well what can you do.  I think I will call them again and find out when the next lot of day tours are - fingers crossed none of them are fully booked.  Knowing my luck they will be seeing as they only do one Sunday day tour a month - ridiculous if you ask me!!

If all of that falls through, who knows what we will do, might be a trip to NY & jump around on the massive piano like in BIG lol  - we might just see where the road takes us ........

Also, if you can please donate something to the Red Cross in light of the Moore, Oklahoma Tornado.  The money will go to help them out.  The Red Cross helped us greatly when we lost everything to an apartment fire - they gave us basic things we needed, a few toys for Kaleb, shelter till we could figure out what we were doing and money to buy things that we needed such as clothes, basic needs like shampoo etc & food.

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